Divorce and Bankruptcy Lawyer Serving Clients in Hartford and Beyond
Strictly speaking, you do not need an attorney to represent you in a legal matter. Our courts are equipped to accommodate pro se parties, or parties that do not have legal counsel. As a practical matter, this approach is almost always “penny wise and pound foolish.” I am attorney Edward P. Jurkiewicz of Lawrence & Jurkiewicz, LLC. I have talked to many people who tried, and failed, to adequately represent themselves in a legal proceeding. In trying to salvage their cases, these people spent much more in legal fees than if they had simply hired a lawyer in the first place.
Our law firm focuses on helping people in the times they need it most. We focus our attention on representing clients in bankruptcy, divorce and other family law matters. In these situations, it matters greatly whether or not you have experienced legal counsel on your side.
In bankruptcy, without such counsel, you may lose assets and property that you would not necessarily have to lose. In certain situations, you may not obtain the debt relief you need. Likewise, the outcome of your divorce will impact your life for years and even decades. You could unnecessarily lose time with your children and lose property and income that you would otherwise be entitled to keep. In an attempt to save money on legal fees, you could pay dearly in the long run.
If you are going through difficult financial problems or family issues, we can protect your rights at every point in the legal process.